Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Books!

I couldn't freaking help buying:

  1. The Greatest Show on Earth
  2. What the Dog Saw
  3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Richard Dawkin's book is supposed to be SO dense that it'd take multiple readings just to understand everything he's saying. I spent a lot of time listening to evolution lectures and debates. I usually mention archaeopteryx or the fact that we share a lot of DNA with apes. That a fusion in our chromosone had occurred were two telomeres fused. Usually I announce these findings with a deadpan response. In other words, they haven't done enough research to reply. I haven't done enough research to advocate quite frankly but listening and reading has given me enough ammo to parry bad arguments very quickly. Russell's teapot takes care of most of these arguments anyway.

So ... why am I reading the Greatest Show on Earth? I'm not sure. I'm a big fan of Richard Dawkins and his bravery. Though, I must admit that I could barely get through the Selfish Gene. It didn't open my eyes at all. It was a bit tiresome to read. The God Delusion was rather good. But I got that on audiobook. On audiobook it is splendid.

Anyways ... so why #2? Because apparently a lot of these people love Malcolm Gladwell and Richard Friedman and the Freakonomics guy. These worthless clowns write stupid extrapolations from simple things and act as though they're profound thoughts. Why did I buy it? Because every single other idiot is going to want to talk about it. I need to read what they're reading so I can take a look into what their motivations are.

#3! I know nothing about this book. Only that Lisa is reading it (just joking! she doesn't read ... evidently). I'm probably going to give this book away after I'm done reading it.

Anyways, Robert's out.

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